Bed bugs are a very common problem. They can enter your home on clothing, a new mattress, upholstered furniture, and are a serious threat to any shared living space. Although they are not known to spread any diseases, bites can be painful, cause irritation on your skin and due to their feeding habits can result in a continual lack of sleep! These bugs are also difficult to get rid of, and many families and businesses find they are unable to handle an infestation by themselves.
Call us free for a telephone consultation or to solve your bed bug problems now!
Call on 0208 559 4999 or 01992 715975 or email us on john@quickil.com
Bed Bugs
- A female bed bug will lay her eggs within cracks and crevices either on the mattress itself or around the bed. A female bed bug can lay between 200-250 eggs in her lifetime!
- Once the egg has hatched, usually within 6-10 days, the bed bug nymph will instinctively look for a blood meal from its host.
- The life span of a bed bug is between 25-35 days.
- Firstly, an easy sign of an infestation is finding alive or dead bed bugs. They are visible to the naked eye and swell once they have eaten.
- Droppings – found on the mattress or around the headboard and bed frame; these are clusters of black spots, usually found around where the bugs are nesting.
- Blood stains found on the bedding – as we are the food source for bed bugs.
- Bites – as with blood stains, bites can be found after the bed bug has eaten, usually leaving red itchy bites similar to mosquito bites but found more around the face, neck, hands and upper body.
- Our technician will first assess all problem areas and gain an understanding of the level of infestation.
- In most cases we will try to salvage the mattress; however, in some cases we will advise the client to remove the infested mattress to help speed up the extermination process. Many bed bug problems are not localised to just the bed and can be found around the infested room.
- With our expert knowledge on the bed bug life cycle, an extermination plan will be put in place with regular visits until the infestation has ceased.